Thursday, September 27, 2007

look who's two

That would be Oona. I know, it's a little confusing since karate Owen is monopolizing the presents, what is it with first born's being so darn needy? And it's okay for me to say that since I'm an only child and the generalization is that we're even needier. Oona got a 'little people' suv with a mommy and baby, which I figured she'd like because she could do imitative play and we're in the car a lot. She also got a grocery cart that she can fill with store items or any of her other toys. She likes to put a baby doll in the grocery cart with a blanket and then give her a bottle of 'milk', which is actually a bottle of play mustard. Yummy! Happy Birthday you sweet little girl you.


sew nancy said...

Happy Birthday Oona! How sweet.

(Matty is right behind you on 11/16).

Elise A. Miller said...

Happy belated, Oona! Two already. whew! hope you're swell! love and hugs, elise