Friday, September 14, 2007


Can I just say that if I die prematurely my children will have a hard time recalling what I look like since I'm the family photographer, I'm always behind the camera never in front of it. I'm fine with that role as the few pictures I take of myself, you can pretty much guarantee an unflattering shot doing it that way, are quickly deleted and make me think how cruel time can be to facial skin. The only real documents of my face will be grainy pictures from the photo booth on the computer. But this post isn't about that. No, I'm feeling so beaten by my kids lately whom I love so much but with Toby working long hours and being in school on top of that, it's just me with the kids a lot. My only free time from them is an hour at the gym and I'm starting to feel like I need more. Twice this week Oona hasn't napped and she's reached the terrible two's a bit early. She's usually a dear, loving child but if the girl doesn't get her way, look out. She screams at a pitch that makes me feel like a cat is using my heart as a scratching post. If the screaming doesn't get a hoped for reaction she likes to bang her head on the floor or wall. Finally if I continue to ignore the bad behavior she comes up to me and will try to bite or hit me. I will put her down on the floor and walk to the other side of the room but all this negative, attention seeking behavior can get on your nerves after a while. Owen's in school now and is older so it's not as bad with him but yesterday he had off and was whining incessantly. Whining about where his juice was when I just gave him a vitamin I replied a bit harshly, 'Don't be so rude I haven't even walked over to the refrigerator yet. I'm not Ganesh' Yeah, that was a great response. I'm not quite the master of how to talk so kids will listen. You know it's all typical almost two and five year old behavior but I feel like I've been having a Calgon moment for days.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

i feel your pain. oy i do.