Tuesday, March 20, 2007

after the maelstrom

Thank God last week is over and done with. Yikes - the crunch of all the freelance work that I had and the panic of my looming Monday deadline enabled me to somehow pack 24 hours worth of photoshop work in this weekend. My ass, mouse arm and neck still haven't recovered. Thank God Toby, my favorite atheist, watched the kids and kept me supplied with a steady stream of coke and peanut m&m's - the pressure brings out the junk food junkie in me. There's still more work to be done on this monster order, it seems never ending, but it is in more doable sized chunks. And it looks like we'll be able to get some new furniture for the living room which I'm ecstatic about. Our couch and chair are so stain covered (lots of coffee and soda has made it's way onto the couch) I wouldn't sit on them if I came across them in a waiting room. I thought about having them professionally cleaned but I disliked them so much I didn't want to shell out the money and commit to them in that way. It will be nice to finally own, as I'm nearing forty, a couch that I've bought. Not a couch I found off the street or a futon couch, or a couch that's been handed down to us - a real couch! So me being an overly practical Mom, I'm thinking of the Pottery Barn basic couch and chair. They're slipcovered, which seems kid friendly. Although I love the sage velvet slipcover which isn't as practical, but it's such a beautiful shade of green - darker, a bit more olive and richer than the swatch online. It's so pretty, I must have that fabric in my living room where I can look at it daily. The couch and chair are also a 'standard size' that I can buy additional fitted slipcovers for online (if I decided to change the look) at a much less expensive cost than the Pottery Barn slipcovers - close to $750 for the slipcover alone?! I was thinking of maybe getting the square arm because it looks sleeker but I don't think it will be as comfy if you're lying down and I can't get a cheap slipcover for that type arm. If anyone owns a couch or chair like this from Pottery Barn please let me know your thoughts and how it wears. In other news the house is a disaster from a week of me not cleaning - Owen's room is particularly bad with tiny lego pieces all over the floor. I can only hope one or both cats chokes on a lego. Yes, I'm regretting my temporary insanity of getting two cats. I clean litter and vaccum the bathroom daily, sometimes twice a day and it always looks like I haven't touched the bathroom in months. Litter is everywhere. Male cats also seem stinkier than female cats, they've been spayed but they can smell quite musky at times. Maybe I should buy some tainted cat food. I'd never give them away and I probably would feel bad if they died but right now they're driving everyone in the house crazy.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

A real couch, that's so exciting. Now you are a real adult...
Mick just mentioned that there is a tainted cat food the other day that he heard is bad for their kidney's and is killing some cats and jokingly said we should go get some. Since M was born, we just don't feel the love for Lux and Molly as much anymore. They are more pains in the a**.