Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I didn't want to just post a downer so I thought I'd share pictures of the kids from this weekend, when they returned from a spring picnic at the park and were hot, sweaty and, in oona's case, had just eaten a bunch of cheetos. Ahh, nothing like face paint when it's close to 90 degrees out. But my friend, Kathleen, painted all the children there and she did an amazing job. Toby took them to the spring park party and then I stopped over to take Oona to a birthday party down the street, where they had a pirate themed moon walk and sprinkler and Oona stripped to her undies once her dress got wet from running in the sprinkler but then she got all crabby because the kids in the moowalk kept saying 'I can see your underwear.' No big surprise being they're 3 and 4 and that's all that Oona was wearing, but she was having none of the logic behind it. So she sat in the moonwalk along the side with her arms crossed fuming until a sweet girl tried to cheer her up. So I leave you with the two faces of kitty cat Oona, sweet as can be and giving Jack Nicholson in The Shining a run for his money with the deranged glower.


BabelBabe said...

by the end, Kathleen was working with melty face paint, too. She is impressive, especially considering the heap of melted crayons she had
: )

Elise A. Miller said...

love that last pic. "all work and no play...."

kristi said...

i really think only girls are capable of making the face like oona's making in the bottom pic. aedan tries to give me this look but always smiles when he does it. but i have been known to give the evil eye, and boy, can my daughter give it right back... ;)