Monday, April 20, 2009

I am having to rethink my nursing school plans since Duquesne offers very little in the way of scholarship money for second degree students and I can't take out ungodly amounts of aid that I'll have to pay back on a nursing salary, it just doesn't seem wise when there are hospital nursing programs that will pay your tuition. Soo I'm scrambling to apply to two hospital schools at the last minute with all the chaos that entails; getting transcripts mailed (including my high school one, even though I graduated 22 years ago!), groveling for references, taking pre-admission tests, getting flooded with 'will I get in?' anxiety once again. Aghhh, and then I've got to find some sort of nurse's aide job for extra money (all of $9 an hour) when I used to make $40 an hour freelancing. Thank God I live in America's most livable city, where my mortgage is CHEAP and I could actually get by on $9 an hour. Seriously, if I was facing all this in New York or Boston I would have had my breakdown by now. The picture has nothing to do with the post, it's just Oona's demonstration of 'tiny clap'.


BabelBabe said...

could you do private health care/companion stuff? It might pay better. or is the point to get some experience?

Elise A. Miller said...

good to catch up with you via blog. will call soon. bathroom--whoa! you are a busy, determined gal. take that, decrepit walls! love and soothing bath gels, e

sew nancy said...

i agree the private heath spectrum might pay more.
hope it works out for you.
mick got laid off today so be glad you are not in publishing.

kristi said...

obviously just catching up on your blog! i've been MIA lately...

by now you have probably thought of new ideas, knowing you, so i'll just comment on the tiny clap. just awesome. i love kids!