Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anybody else find the news very end of days lately? The unemployment all over the world, the insanity in the middle east with suicide bombers and so much violence everywhere it seems. Traumatic brain injuries are up in children in Southwestern PA, experts think it's due to the economy and stressed parents taking out their stress on their children which makes me so sad. I switched to CNN whilst (I'm such an anglophile) on the elliptical yesterday and saw all the concern about swine flu and a possible global pandemic. The website doesn't show it but CNN has already come up with a swine flu graphic (comprised of sliced together pictures of a pig next to a medical symbol) that is quite humorous. There'd be more than a little irony, what with our country's conspicuous consumption on so many levels, if swine flu is the next pandemic. Oink! I would hate to die from swine flu, it's seems horribly vain but I'd hate to die from anything embarrassing and this is completely insipid on my part but doesn't it sound worse to say death from swine flu as opposed to avian flu. Not that I have anything against pigs, they're supposed to be really smart animals and I love crispy bacon. My God I think the citristrip fumes I inhaled for five hours, even though I was outside, while stripping a buffet (will post when it's done, I got it for $29.99 solid wood with lovely legs) has affected my intelligence. Good night and good oink.


BabelBabe said...

yeah, i'd much rather die of bubonic plague.

i have been feeling the same way lately. and you made me laugh out loud.
off to check out the pig graphic....

(saw Toby et al. up at Spring party Sat morning.)

sew nancy said...

swine flu
i don't want to die of anything but swine flu my goodness