Friday, January 23, 2009

it's official

I think I'm becoming an elf (I've become quite the Will Ferrell fan recently). I haven't been able to handle drinking coffee the past week or so (like my taste buds have changed on me) and have replaced my previously prodigious coffee consumption with hot chocolate. Why can't green tea taste as good as hot cocoa. why? It's a lot lower in calories and has all those wonderful antioxidants. sigh.


SareBear said...

Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog, because I wanted to see who else has heard of Beth Orton, lol. I really liked your writing, and your babies are adorable. Im a mom also, I have two little ones, 8 months and five years. Anyways, just wanted to say hi!


PSUMommy said...

But chocolate is GOOD for women. I've decided that marshmallows are, too. They *must* be.

I LOVE your new banner photo, by the way!

Elise A. Miller said...

dude, I love your new banner pic. and dude, have you ever put chocolate chips in your green tea? I bet it tastes NASTY. LOVE AND KISSES...

sew nancy said...

ever have jacques torres hot chocolate?
it's amazing
oh, and i recently had amazing green tea but it was at a restaurant so not sure how they prepared it...

kristi said...

well i know this isn't nearly the same thing, but i have been hooked on the green tea by tazo. it comes in several different flavors, but my fave is spearmint & lemongrass. i can't stand hot tea, though, so b/c we mostly have warm weather here i brew it to drink as iced tea...

i LOVE hot cocoa too though!