Friday, January 02, 2009

happy new year!

Hopefully you weren't partying to the extent that you wound up with powdered sugar donut all over your face like Oona... But I hope that everyone's holiday was as happy and stressfree as possible. Best wishes for 2009 and I will post more regularly than I have the past month - December was a blur, it might have to be my blog vacation month in the future. I'm taking Oona to the dr in an hour, after two rounds of antibiotics she still hasn't kicked the cold she's had since Halloween (I photoshopped out the green snot in this picture) and is now running a fever and has a horrible cough but it's not like it stops her activity level at all.

1 comment:

kristi said...

aedan is the same way when he's sick--he can have a fever of 102 but still be running around like a crazy person.

happy new year to you too!