Thursday, January 15, 2009


So I'm already messing up on my promise of posting more often. I've started my first week of classes and am about to have a nervous breakdown trying to coordinate my schedule with my children and husband's. I'm taking statistics and microbiology and planned on leaving microbiology a half hour early every time in order to pick up Oona from school (the professor okayed this) but then Oona's school said I could drop her off early so I could go to the earlier micro class and not need to disrupt people (and feel horribly rude) by leaving early. The prof said that was fine that all I needed to do was show up for the earlier class... which is going on now, while I sit at home with my two children due to a 2 hour snow delay. AGHHH! So I get to show up at the later class, when just yesterday I said I was switching to the early class, and leave forty-five minutes early in order to give myself ample time to get to Oona's school in order to pick her up. I hate being in positions where I feel like I'm coming across as supremely flaky or irresponsible. And trying to explain this to the professor I just know I'll flub because this is all so important to me, so I'll get emotional and just not present myself well. Where are the effects of global warming when you need them.


kristi said...

deep breaths...i'm sure the professor understands more than you think. now, if you were 19 and making up what seem like excuses, well that would be a different story. but having 2 kids and trying to go back to school is responsible in and of itself, so i'm sure he will extend you some grace and understanding. :)

that's a beautiful photo!

sew nancy said...

ugh! that sucks. microbiology - man that makes me nervous just the word. i didn't like science so much.

Elise A. Miller said...

kids. fuh. love ya.