Monday, January 21, 2008


Damn, it's been freezing here the past couple of days. Our Kitchen is fifteen degrees colder than the rest of the house, the laundry detergent has become sludge due to the cold temps in the basement. Toby and I went out to dinner last night, nice pan-asian restaurant but the waitress was a bit weird. We were put right near two glass doors to a patio and they weren't weather proofed so I'm sitting in my coat, clutching a hot tea in my hands,freezing as an icy draft is numbing the left side of my body and she seemed annoyed when Toby asked, very politely, if we could be moved away from the door. After dinner we stopped at a local bar where the crowd was going insane about the football game (Packers vs. Giants, I believe). Thank God I'm not a sports widow with Toby, I find the whole thing sort of odd and he does too, which is wonderful, so we can be nerds and talk about books. Seriously though, this one guy was getting so wound up about the game he's screaming at the tv screen and he was pretty drunk, so at times it was hard to understand what he was all riled up about or who he even wanted to win. With the wind chill out in Green Bay it was -23 and people are shouting that the kicker sucked for not making a 36 yard field goal. Man, I'd be lucky to cross a street without collapsing in that weather. I mean it was cold cold cold last night in Pittsburgh, something like 5 degrees, but all I had to do was run to the car, not throw and catch a football, which would be impossible in that weather. I drove us home, since all I drank last night was many and various caffeinated products. I thought the cop behind us would pull me over suspecting drunk driving but I was so cold in the car I was shivering uncontrollably, which adversely affects my driving. We came home and both Frodo & Sam look so pitiful, their fur all matted with static electricity making their tails look like rats. The kids hair has been the same way the past few days, plastered to their heads with errant strands sticking straight up. I'm like storm from X-men dispensing electrical shocks wherever I go, I keep slathering lotion on but it doesn't seem to curb my charge. I can't believe I come from Norwegian blood (a lot of other Scandinavian countries and England and Scotland too, I'm a mutt, but Norwegian is the biggest piece of the pie). My toes turn blue when the temperature drops below 60 degrees, I can't handle the cold to save my life. From now until May I'll walk around with my shoulders hunched up to my ears, my hands bony little ice cubes.

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