Friday, February 20, 2009

scenes from the 'hood

And by 'hood I mean from my front door. Ahhh, nothing says 'class' like a grenade decal on a truck. It's the little things you happen upon throughout your day that can put a spring in your step or make you wish that you had superhuman powers to obliterate things in your path just by staring at them hard enough. It shouldn't surprise you that this charming truck driver lives with the owner of the F-150 from this post of yore. I know I shouldn't get angry about this stuff, I should see it as a potential challenge because when I'm a nurse I will have to deal with all kinds of people. BUT, big but, the dude is in his twenties and has this monstrous truck idling for like twenty minutes. I rarely warm up my car and I have little children! You are the chum in the ocean of environmentalists, scumbag!

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