Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Okay, even though Kristi Bennett was rooting for the Cardinals I will forgive her that lapse in judgement and say how flattered I was when she tagged me for this project. You're truly a blogger I could see being friends with since I only follow you and the other blogs I read are from people I already know. Hopefully you all know that I'm completely kidding about the sports reference. Funny side note, I went to get Toby a some beer from the bar three blocks up the street from us a couple months ago and was gagging as soon as I entered it was so darn smoky. A Steelers game was on and a rather 'seasoned' (in years as well as drinks) man was trying to chat me up about the game.
him: 'Are you a fan?'
me: 'Gosh, I don't really follow football.'
him: 'Why don't you take a seat and watch the game for a while.'
me: 'I'm getting these (gesture to beer) for my husband.'
him: 'nuff said.'
He was probably just being friendly, but I lack even the most rudimentary flirting skills. After I came home, I gave Toby his beer and promptly took a shower to remove the smoky bar stench from my five minutes in there.

Okay... so now more about the photo tagging. The directions are: Go to your image file, find the fourth folder, and post the fourth picture. This will look familiar, it's one I cropped and photoshopped a wire out of for a picture earlier in the year (love those 12 megapixels). Okay I have to help copy edit the D- Digest, the monthly newsletter that our PTA puts out and my friend Kathleen does an amazing job on this. Hope to catch a Frontline on Parkinson's at 9 since I love learning about all things brain related.

I am tagging the pen and the poop, rambling mommy and babel babe I would tag Nancy but Kristi already got her. And can I just say there are no time limits on the tagging. I always feel awful guilt forwarding or tagging people because I'm just a big worrier, never want to make people feel bad/mad. It's hard in the virtual world unless you put an emoticon after every darn sentence so all I'm saying is no pressure (don't know an emoticon for that one).


kristi said...

yay! thanks so much for doing this. i love your photos. i think what i love the most is the lines and colors in them. you have a great eye for that.

and i agree: i feel like i could be friends with you too, despite the steelers/cards thing! ;)

you are a good wife to go into a bar and get your hubby a beer--i usually won't step into one of those places by myself. makes me too nervous/self-conscious.

Amelia Plum said...

i once had to do that while 8 months pregnant with my son and kept explaining to the barflys the it was for my husband and not me, so i understand about being self-conscious.