Wednesday, May 28, 2008

step on a crack

We brought out the chalk before visiting the Science Center on Memorial Day. Owen and Oona had more fun breaking the thin pieces of chalk and flying and crashing the larger crayon (or rocket) shaped pieces of chalk than actually drawing with them. This frustrated Toby a great deal, which I understand and can empathize with, but I was more frustrated by the state of our sidewalk, which is cracked and sprouting weeds. Owen always tells me to not step on the cracks or any painted lines on the streets or sidewalks because they are lasers, my back is safe from sidewalk cracks but not from Oona's girth. And we live on a corner so there's a lot of sidewalk. I swear I should just walk around my house with my eyes closed, I'm always seeing ways things could be fixed and if I start pricing all these fixes out it would quickly out price how much we paid for our home. God help me when we sell this house, I won't be able to be in it when prospective buyers come because I'm sure my eyes would be wandering to all the problems I see with the place, that nobody else would notice until I pointed it out to them with my terror-struck blue-green peepers.


Amy said...

isn't that funny? we are trying to sell our dining table and a couple came to look at it last night and i was the same way...noticing everything wrong with it and even our house. they weren't even here for the house!

cookie said...

i am in the same frame of mind at the moment..
only seeing what needs to be done/fixed in the house..
do you think its the change in season??