Monday, May 19, 2008

student of the month

Owen is student of the student for his kindergarten class for April. The school is a bit behind on the months, they even skipped a couple of months throughout the school year. He was extremely happy and proud of this honor and I feel horrible that I missed seeing him get it. Every day when I bring Owen to school, Oona and I stand in the hallway while the children gather in the auditorium. A group of students play drums on stage and then the principal speaks to the students, a sort of daily pep talk. After Ms. L speaks they do the pledge of allegiance, sing a song and then head to class, where Oona and I wave to Owen as he passes us in the hall. I've had to leave early a few of times due to Oona having a melt down but when Owen was named student of the month I had to leave because Oona did a huge poop that was threatening to burst from her pants and was stinking up the hallway. This isn't the first time that Oona's poop has messed with Owen at school.
I wish I had known ahead of time that he was going to be chosen. It seems like it would be nice for parents to know so they could be there, I'm sure Toby would have gone to work late in order to see Owen get student of the month. Oh well. The picture above is an Owen staged picture 'get one of me reading'. I have so few pictures of him lately, whenever I focus on him with the camera he makes a goofy face. He's growing up so fast. He looks so much older to me than when he first started kindergarten, although he's still got painfully thin little boy body - his bmi is 14!


kristi said...

oh he is SO adorable! i feel the same way about gillian--i look at pics from the first day of school and then look at her and she seems light years older. it makes me sad...

ok they totally should have told you about the student of the month thing. that stinks! (along with having to leave to change oona's diaper) :)

sew nancy said...

congrats owen-

he does look more grown up from his first day of school. so handsome too.

oh and a 2 1/2 year's old poop diaper can actually make me nauseous so i feel for you. i really really do!


cookie said...

well done, a proud moment!
love the new banner.

Elise A. Miller said...

woohoo! go O! maxel tov. very proud. good to catch up on your blog...xxoo