Thursday, June 28, 2007

the tiny tyrant

Uncle! I admit it, Oona has a much stronger personality than me. I'm quite sure she'll go very far in life with all her moxie and determination and such a sweet little face too, but damn! trying to raise a child that's so strong willed really kicks my ass some days. Oh, and is she ever manipulative. I once met a Mom who refused to believe her 5 year old son could be manipulative, didn't think it was possible at that young an age. Meanwhile for the past, oh year or so, Oona has mastered the art smiling sweetly, batting her eyelashes and giving just enough attention to someone in order to get her way. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I'm not in denial, I've seen her withhold affection and throw epic tantrums if she doesn't get her way. Over the past month she has brought her screaming to a new level for ear pain, she reminds me of those fell beasts that screeched in the air while carrying the nazguls in Lord of the Rings. She even has an ever so slight dragon tongue, a tiny little cleft in the middle. Who knows maybe she is part dragon or fell beast, she is surely one tough little cookie. Nancy sent me a great link for children's tees, particular favorites are puerile and dilatory. I thought maybe I could make a bunch of my own with freezer paper stencils - obstreperous, tyrant, ebullient, soporific you can have a lot of fun with 'fancy' words describing your child or the effect your child has on you.

Oh and one FYI - I finally figured out what caused Oona's rash on her face! If Philly whipped cream cheese sat on her face at all, it gave her a rash. What the hell are they putting in that stuff to give her a rash? Other cream cheeses don't have the same effect, it's very bizarre and strengthens my resolve to feed the kids whole/organic/unprocessed food as much as I can. If only they could lower the price on organic blueberries. Plus for all you Moms putting sunscreen on your kids, and yourself, I highly recommend you check out this site for info on how safe your sunscreen is, pretty scary to see what some of the chemicals in kids sunscreens have the potential to do.


sew nancy said...

i take it owen was a bit easier, no?
if you wind up doing the t-shirt project i'd love to see it.
off to check out the sunscreen site.

Amelia Plum said...

Owen was much easier. Very different personality - much calmer and cautious, to this day he doesn't think twice about holding my hand while crossing the street. Meanwhile Oona is constantly trying to break free from me and run into danger - walk off a precipice from the big kids jungle gym or into oncoming traffic. She is fearless!

sew nancy said...

i think Matty has much more in common with Owen except on an odd day. I'm sure my second will be a terror. i mean..can you really luck out twice?
We will see

Elise A. Miller said...

oy sunscreen. maybe slathering the kids in organic cream cheese would be better. love and kisses.