Thursday, June 07, 2007

pretty. impractical. peony.

I love peonies. I think they're such pretty flowers with their large heads and almost papery petals. We have two peony plants in our back yard and while I love the flowers these plants produce I think the plant doesn't make much sense. As soon as the flowers bloom all the stems hang down on the ground, like the flower weighs too much or maybe the plant can't deal with that much beauty. It just seems like some botanist would have found a way to breed these plants so that doesn't happen. Oh and three days after the flower blooms all the petals start dropping off, so you can maybe enjoy your flowers for two days tops. Maybe this is just an issue with our particular plants (God help anyone planning to put these in a bridal bouquet if that's not the case) we could have a couple peony plants with huge 'failure to thrive' issues, I don't know. I cut off all the flowers last night with Owen's assistance. He kept saving flowers to bring to his friends at school. When we were done I said that maybe it would be best if we put some flowers in a jar and Owen brought the bouquet in for the whole class to enjoy, that way nobody would have hurt feelings if they didn't get a flower. He thought that was a good idea and Toby brought him to school with his peony bouquet in a jar, petals dropping off with each step he took. Oh well, it sounds like his teacher handled receiving a bunch of flowers past their prime well.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

omg how sweet is to love little boys. peonies are one of my favorites too. must be so nice to have a yard.