Tuesday, June 19, 2007

owie stardust

Owen has entered the glam rock stage at the ripe young age of four. I don't know how this fascination with makeup started, maybe by watching my Mom put on her 'face' at the dining table when she visits us. It sure isn't from me, as anyone who knows me well can attest. I'm makeup free for better or worse. A couple weeks ago he mentioned wanting makeup and I said 'yeah, sure' and thought no more of it until I picked him up from the Eagle's Nest at our grocery store (so wonderful that they have a daycare area for 3 to 9 year olds because when Owen shops with me he is KING of the impulse buy) and told him I got him a surprise to which he excitedly shouted 'Makeup?!' and when I told him no popsicles he actually got upset. So a few days later I bought him a couple eye shadows and a blush and unearthed a colored lip balm that's been rolling around in the bathroom drawer for a couple years now. As you can see the finished result was priceless. My neighbor said she'd be more concerned about the whole makeup thing if he had actually put it on appropriately. He's four, makeup is colorful and sparkly, I'm not too worried about any gender confusion/sexual orientation issues. I save my worries for the all encompassing kid safety stuff.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

LOVE IT. I am a big fan of the little gents exploring their metrosexual side. That blue eyeshadow really brings out his eyes.