Friday, June 08, 2007

freaking out

I realize this might be a bit hard to see from the computer but I fed Oona a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese today and after cleaning up her face this rash is what I found. A few days ago I gave her an everything bagel with cream cheese and she developed a similiar rash right after eating it, although the rash wasn't as large. I don't know what is going on, whether it's the cream cheese or the bagel that's causing this allergy like reaction. I initially tought the sesame on the everything bagel might have triggered the rash so I gave her cinnamin raisin but it obviously isn't the sesame. She's had bagels with cream cheese before without a reaction and she eats other bread and dairy products without getting a rash. This is torture to me because Toby's taking the kids to his parents tomorrow for the weekend. It will give me time to do some major cleaning and decluttering in this house that's desperately in need of such help (we're planning to put it on the market next spring) BUT I'm in a panic about the kids. Truth is I never really like them visiting there because I'm a major worrier and they live in a rural part of central Pennsylvania where the nearest hospital is 20 miles away and it's not exactly a state of the art medical center. I imagine Oona being fed something and going into anaphylactic shock and if that happens out there they might as well drive her to the funeral home over the hospital because by the time they get to town she'd be dead. Agh! And they're going to a graduation party at Aunt Karen's where there are open stairways to the basement and second floor and Oona still can't go down stairs by herself. Oh and Aunt Karen's has a trampoline where clumsy Owen could easily maim or kill himself. This is such torture for me but part of therapy for someone with anxiety issues is to, in essence, basically torture one's self and expose yourself to the very things you worry about again and again until the worry loses its power - sounds fun doesn't it?! The thing is, I worry about driving and my children's health and safety which are huge sort of omnipresent things in my life, so it's like in order to function I have to constantly torture myself. Here's hoping the weekend is over and my kids are back home, safe and sound, before I know it. Hope your weekend is more enjoyable than mine.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

hope the kids come home unblemished like perfect fruit (sorry for the pun)
perhaps the locale the bagels are from is the culprit or maybe they might have come into contact with something else (like latex gloves) there ? just a thought.
de-cluttering- oh that's what i should be doing. instead i continue to clutter. i think i need to tackle the box of nail polish. i've been meaning to count them and blog about how much i have an how i hardly throw away nailpolish. it's really silly considering i rarely use them and when i do it's only a handful of colors.
hope your week goes up and up from here.