Thursday, February 08, 2007


This word seems perfect for a blustery February post since I could swear I suffer from SAD (such a crazily appropriate acronym) and by this point in the season any optimism I might possess has been choked out of me. Although I can muster up enough enthusiasm to talk about spelling. Did anyone happen to watch the National Spelling Bee when it was on TV last year? It was amazing. The kids were so cute and when they would spell the news sprawl on the screen below them would give you info on each kid, like how one boy liked to collect rocks and was in math club. It was just so 'aw' inducing. Well, this adorable, Canadian girl wound up runner up in the Bee when she misspelled weltschmerz, which I'm sure caused her much weltschmerz.

Okay, that word is really hard to type correctly, much less spell. Bring on the sturm und drang! Seriously though, this week has been so hard and it's not even over yet. The severe cold weather here caused Owen's pre-k to be closed Monday & Tuesday with a two hour delayed opening yesterday. Apparently it got so cold they were having trouble starting the school buses because the gasoline had gelled. So I have my huge freelance assignment, Owen's home 2 1/2 days and Oona's sick. I took her to the doctor Monday morning, because I was concerned she was getting an ear infection and the Dr., not her usual pediatrician but one of the partners in the practice that was covering 'acute care visit hour' that day, dismissively told me she was fine. Well the next day she slept most of the day, wouldn't eat and by dinner her temp was 102.8. So I bring her in Wednesday morning and Dr. O- tells me she has infections in both ears and writes out the scrip for Amoxicillin. I love Owen & Oona's pediatrician. She's intelligent, no nonsense, amazing with my kids, she listens and will answer any questions I have AND doesn't act patronizing or dismissive with any of my concerns. But from now on I just have to realize that I can't deal with any of the other doctors in the practice and only go in when Dr. O- is available. I'm fortunate that Dr. O is a wonderful pediatrician and that the triage phone nurse, Cindy, is excellent but the rest of the doctors in that practice blow in my opinion.

Fortunately, I got an email late last night that I don't have to have my freelance assignment done by March 1st. They've yet to even shoot everything so I was told to just send it off in batches when I get the images done, the way I usually do - big phew there. Owen has tomorrow off too. It's like God is trying to show me just how miserable I would be if I ever decided to home school my children and, believe me, I realize I'm not the type of Mom that could handle or want to do that. So, needless to say, with Owen off so much and Oona feverish with runny green nose and eye goop - I haven't been to the gym at all this week. From 6 days a week to 0 in under a month, but it's not like I haven't wanted to go, I just can't in good conscience bring Oona to the gym babysitters being so sick. I haven't even bothered to dress Oona all week, I just keep her in a fresh pair of pj's because I figure that's more comfy when you're not feeling well, I'd love to go around town in a pair of fleece footie pyjamas all week. And now I'm getting Oona's cold, which will devolve into a sinus infection for lucky me.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

good word. congrats on the extended deadline. kids are napping. yowza.