Thursday, February 15, 2007

after the massacre

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Valentine's Day even though it was a snowy, icy mess. Owen made it to school today, after two days off and a two hour delay due to wind chill. Oh, and we finally unearthed the car from it's ice covered, snowy blanket. Just in time to take Oona back to the doctor because she still isn't well and her antibiotics don't seem to be making a dent in her river of green mucus and ear pain, poor little thing. Here are some pictures I took during my walks up to the mall (aka the RIte Aid three blocks up the street from me) where I got provisions, milk & bread for french toast. I had to go to the rather questionable bodega just up the street from me for eggs. When I came back and Toby heard where I got the eggs he shook his head, 'they're probably platypus eggs.' The owners of the bodega are really nice and I'm sure they probably live in Squirrel Hill, the tony part of Pittsburgh, and laugh all the way to the bank, selling my neighborhood enough cigarettes and lottery tickets to keep them unhealthy and broke. I avoid the bodega because it's filthy, unsavory individuals loiter on the corner no matter how cold it is and I purchased a ketchup there, when we first moved to the area, that was well past its expiration date. But I had promised Owen french toast that morning so I took a chance, salmonella be damned, and bought the possibly, platypus eggs. The french toast was a tasty success, although we still have a 48 hour window for salmonella, but I'm pretty sure we'll be okay.


sew nancy said...

that reminds me of the bodega that used to be near mick when he lived in brooklyn
i am in love with the photos- so beautiful even though they are of cold cold ice.
hope oona feels better soon.

Elise A. Miller said...

hey you. nice pics. i hope Oona is better soon too. this weather is for the penguins. can we caravan to San Diego and retire a few years early?? love to everyone. Toby with those platypus eggs. What will he think of next. Wubba wubba. I am tired.