Friday, February 16, 2007


I somehow forgot to mention in my previous post that while returning for one of my many walks to the Rite Aid there were three teenage boys hanging out in front of the bodega who threw a snowball across the street at me. I turned around to find them smiling and just sorta shook my hat covered head and kept on walking through the snow. And they kept throwing snowballs at me! I don't know if the distance made them think I was younger than I am, maybe they don't expect middle aged women to wear baggy corduroys, snowboard jackets (I've yet to get a new winter coat!) and bomber hats. I felt like shouting at them 'what are you doing, I'm pushing forty?!' but then thought better of it. Do I really want to shout that truth out loud and worse, what if that did nothing to deter the snowballs?

In other news Oona and I are both on augmentin for our ear & sinus infections, let's hope the river of green mucus in the house dries up quick. Oh, and lucky me, I get to go for a brain/cervical spine MRI tomorrow morning which has me completely terrified, not of what they might find on the test but that someone might accidentally leave a metal canister in the room and then my head will be mush once the machine is turned on. Keep your fingers crossed that I have no stray metal fragments in my eyes and that I don't have some metallic device implanted in me that I'm completely unaware of. I had to answer a bunch of questions today and the woman said to alert the attendant if my tattoo starts to heat up, since some inks contain metal in them. Oh joy. So my top half will be enclosed in this machine for an hour to an hour and a half. Thank God, my Dr gave me a scrip for two valium pills to hope me cope with this claustrophobic experience. The only thing I'm looking forward to out of this whole experience is getting to see pictures of my brain, so curious to see what it looks like and make sure everything is there that should be.

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