Tuesday, November 07, 2006

zealotry & bad tv

Here's Owen getting sucked into the religous cult that is The Backyardigans and Oona trying to resist its powerful allure. Talk about shitty TV! We only have basic access cable, in order to get reception for the public networks and Owen is totally fine and content with PBS. BUT his cousin, who's all of 1, loves The Backyardigans and Owen's Aunt told his Grammy that Owen likes to watch The Backyardigans at their house so, lo and behold, come Halloween we got 'The Backyardigans - It's Geat to Be a Ghost' filled with such classic songs as 'A Pirate Says Arr'. Me being the complete bitchy Mom that I am wanted Grammy to return the DVD because I think The Backyardigans are crap and would rather Owen has a DVD of something he and I can watch together (Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Facotry - Gene Wilder version) but I seem to be the only one who thinks I'm not being completely selfish in wanting to keep this insipid animated feature out of the home.

Top five reasons to keep the backyardigans out of the house
1. there is a character named Uniqua in it
2. the animation is very poor for very many animators contributing to this travesty
3. the songs are annoying in that bad jingle can't get it out of your head way
4. this show is not working on a deeper level so that adults can enjoy it as well, the way all the Pixar films do brilliantly
5. did I mention the character named Uniqua?

Granted there are plenty of other shows that grate on me as well- hello! Jay Jay the Jet Plane, The Wiggles and Caillou (o mon dieu, if people want to take issue with the French I only understand it in that they gave us Caillou). I guess the thing that really bothered me with The Backyardigans was that I thought I had made my disdain for the show pretty clear on a number of occasions what with my eye rolling, groaning, and asking if we could please put something else on. Not very grown up on my part but you try sitting through a half hour of that stuff. So when this DVD was given to Owen as a gift I saw it as a passive agressive dig at me, which, hey, maybe I'm reading too much into it, it was probably unintentional but I'm sure I'm not the first one to read more into something than there is. I did keep the DVD for him. It gets played, infrequently so far, thank God,when I'm making dinner.


Elise A. Miller said...

thanks for the warning on those back yard things! yikes.

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm reading too. you have 2 readers. maybe you could mute the tv and just show him the pics. say the volume doesn't seem to work on the dvd for some reason:) and make sure to get ill advised gifts for these people come the holidays.

Anonymous said...

hey gab, just fyi I dropped a hint to perez hilton about your site telling him to check it out and maybe put a link on his site. Hopefully you will get a ton of visitors. Good luck chicka.