Monday, November 13, 2006

so much for vanity

Okay, so I put up a picture of myself and now that I'm looking at it online I have no idea how I comfortably put my hand in that position. It now looks to me like someone else is trying to hold my chin up for me but at the time of the photo taking I swear that it was both comfortable, I'm all about comfort, and done without too much thought. Weird. So now it looks like I'm sort of benignly hovering over my blog watching what I'm writing and discreetly thinking, 'Well, if that's what you really think go ahead and knock yourself out.' I actually took this picture from our computer's 'photo booth' some freebie on our mac that has been totally addictive for everyone but Oona, just give her another year or two.

This was one of the few pictures where it wasn't too obvious how crooked my nose is. Most of you know that I got my nose fixed back in college. I never liked my nose much, I thought it was sort of wide, and when I got x-rays taken of it the doctor told me that my nose had been broken a few times. No real surprise given that I've had a basketball, football and volleyball all collide with my nose at various times in my youth. Although I was pretty athletic I don't seem to have been terribly adept when it came to sports involving balls. Overall I was happy with how my nose turned out once it was fixed. I tended to get pretty heavy nosebleeds on the side where the septum had been really messed up, I guess they had to do a lot of corrective scraping, which makes me cringe to think of it. But, nosebleeds aside, the surgery was worth it, I could breathe a lot better once my nose had been fixed. Until I had kids. I can't even count the number of times Owen and Oona have headbutted me right in the nose, okay maybe I could count the times, probably 6 or 7. The downside is my kids skulls whack my nose with such force it literally brings tears to my eyes and I've bled on more than one occasion. God only knows, if I hadn't had the surgery I'd probably resemble Jack LaMotta by now. I can't see myself going for a second nose job though, unless I go through 6 or seven more headbutts to my nose, then we'll see. For now I'll just try to avoid straight on photos.

Below are some outtakes from a recent photo booth session with Owen, with boys it's all about the funny faces.


Elise A. Miller said...

that is too funny, i lolol! i likey your posty.

Anonymous said...

fun photos. you are reminding me of michelangelo's ' the thinker' i like what it says under your photo...
how did the craft fair go?

mominaminivan said...

You are so beautiful! (inside and out!)

mominaminivan said...

You are so beautiful! (inside and out!)