Monday, November 27, 2006

our thankgiving surprise

About a month after Lily died I started thinking about getting a new cat and discovered the British shorthair online. I thought they were so cute with their plush coat, full cheeks and their mouth looks as though they're smiling. Toby had no problem with us getting one as long as they were under $500, which I thought they would be. After contacting a breeder in New York, there are none in Pennsylvania, I found out they cost $1,000, which seems very pricey for any sort of domestic pet especially when so many animals need homes. So I put off getting a cat and appreciated the little things, there were no longer trace bits of litter and cat hair everywhere. I no longer found thrown up hairballs on the floor.

Well, that reprieve was short-lived. Toby’s parents live out on what ostensibly could be called a farm, they have close to 200 acres all to themselves (I’ll save my tirade about being out in the middle of nowhere with the closest rural hospital, that surely is behind in medical advances, being twenty minutes away for another post). They have a regular cattery out there because Toby’s Dad can’t turn away a stray cat and he won’t kill them, which is what many out in that area do when confronted with stray cats. In fact he offers them plentiful food and a couple nice shelters for the cats to stay warm in during the winter months. So we wound up with two of the stray kitties, tentatively named Frodo (the dark grey one) and Sam (the light grey tabby) but we still have to find out what sex kitties we have – pretty sure that Frodo is a boy but Sam might be a girl. Yes, I took in two cats and named them after Lord of the Rings characters, Owen was pushing for naming them both Princess Kitty so Frodo and Sam seemed pretty good names by comparison. I’m explaining this impulsive decision on the fact that I threw my back out on Tuesday and have been pretty doped up on muscle relaxants since then so my judgment was obviously impaired. I’m sure once I get the bill for all their shots and getting them fixed/spayed I’ll be brought back to reality, but they are so cute, fuzzy & lovable. We have yet to get our digital camera back from being repaired so I have to rely on the photo booth on our computer for poor quality pictures.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were there. Freedom. So close. Man oh man. I hope when you emerge from your meds fog you'll have no regrets. very cute pic. hope your back feels better. how'd you hurt it?