Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Personal record for posts in one night, I'm just a blogging fool. Actually I'm procrastinating from doing any home renovation projects that beckon; my bare windows, the stripped doors to hang, the paint waiting to be put on walls & trim. Not tonight. I was daydreaming, thinking that I'm going to get pumpkins next weekend with Toby & the kids, we can't go this one because Toby has to go out of town for work on Sunday. Anyhoo I was thought maybe I should wear something like this. How much flipping therapy do think this poor child will need having a trollop like this for a mother. The thing is, take out those implants, bring her hair back to a natural shade, scrape off 90% of the makeup and put her in sneakers & for God's sake an actual top and she'd probably look pretty, at the very least appropriate for pumpkin picking. Oh but this is Hollywood pumpkin picking, what am I thinking, I guess heels and stripper tops are de rigueur. In these photos this woman looks terrifying and I wonder what sort of psychiatric disorder she sufffers from to need attention from paparazzi that badly, my guess is narcissistic personality disorder. I used to poke fun at the Left Behind series of books Toby's Mom, Aunt & cousin read, never to their faces, but I found the whole series, well funny, especially when the video game of the Left Behind series was spoofed on the Daily Show (which I've spent the past hour trying to get a link to but it's been removed from everywhere). But looking at magazines in the checkout at the grocery and the crap on tv, I'm wondering if the rapture has already occurred .


BabelBabe said...

Ack! I grew up believing all that stuff - and I recently had the SAME thought. Tsunamis? Check. Middle east mess? Check. All manner of natural and manmade disaster? Check. Ack. I need to call my shrink : )

Elise A. Miller said...

I love this post. sigh.