Wednesday, September 09, 2009

if i was an art teacher

I would be all about letting children use cameras because I absolutely love seeing how they look at the world. Their perspective is so fascinating to me. I think I mentioned this in a previous post but I loved the documentary Born Into Brothels and the photos the children took, wish I had more money to buy some prints. As it is I purchased a Keep Calm and Carry On poster (Elise I know you'll think I'm becoming you now) in seaform, a lovely pale blue. I figured I'd hang it above my bed because that is completely silly but I need stuff that makes me laugh more and more often these days. Especially given the horrible sleep I get, I go to sleep fine but my dreams are all horrible anxiety plagued nightmares where I wake up more spent then when I retired the night before. Anyhoo, I got off track a bit, my poster arrived in a cardboard roll that looked like someone sat on it and the poster is horribly wrinkled throughout the middle. I emailed asking for another copy due to the damage. Please let the fellow be nice and send me one without a hassle. And look at that horrible frown. I totally need botox because that's what I look like all the time and strangers will think I'm mad or disgusted with them and I'm like no I just have an awfully overexpressive face. But I veered off track from the pictures children take. Below are some of Oona's pictures and one of Owen that I'm unsure if it's a self portrait or one Oona took. These just crack me up.
sneak peak of the 3/4 finished hallway. I still need to hang up pictures, mirror I redid and finish that dreaded monkey on my back in the previous post, the foyer table. And I would like to put wallpaper on the ceiling, add a runner and new light fixtures but I'll probably have to wait on that stuff.
Birds eye view is well known but I like this cat's eye, or more likely flea on cat's back, view. Coming in close to rub against Owen's feet I'm sure. Frodo is soooo needy.
My heart melts with that shy smile and bright eyes. My sweet Owee. He told me he almost cried listening to Obama's speech in school yesterday. I cried when Obama mentioned Teddy Kennedy and his push for universal healthcare in tonight's address. My gosh, is Owen going to be my date to see tearjerker films with? Me, him, a box of kleenex, some popcorn and skittles.


kristi said...

those stairs! they look amazing! wow.

your kids are so precious, and that self-portrait of owen really highlights that for sure.

i don't like cats, but i love looking at pictures of them, because they are always funny. these don't disappoint.

and i LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie, born into brothels. i have actually never thought of buying the kids' photos. thanks. now you have given me more ways to spend $$ we don't have... haha


Elise A. Miller said...

love the poster in seafoam! above the bed! yeah, laughter. sigh. my step-mother just became a certified "laugh leader." she's now for hire. will act as your liaison. Oh man, don't get me started. also love that movie and the stairs and the kid. the eyes! the eyes! xoxoxoxoxox