Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i love destruction

It just doesn't get more boysy than this interesting picture that Owen drew in the care center while I was at the gym. He really is a sensitive soul, last night we went out for sushi dinner with Toby, since he's been traveling for work an unable to see the kids during the week. Owen started crying in the middle of dinner but he wouldn't tell us what about. Later he told me it was because he was thinking how great everything was and then he started thinking about dying. We got some ice cream (my mainstay, a three scoop sundae of chocolate chip, mint chocolate chip and coffee ice cream with hot fudge, dry malt and whipped cream, so wrong yet so right) and as I was pulling out into the street I let out a monstrous burp. Oona and Owen started laughing really hard for a long time and then Owen started bawling because he was laughing so much he thought he might throw up. He spent the rest of the ride alternately laughing and crying when he started to laugh. It's sort of odd to feel bad for him because he's so much like me and then there's Oona who is the sweetest little thing but totally ready to take on the world. I don't worry about her nearly as much. Owen's the people pleaser, Oona wants people to please her. She's not nasty, she just knows what she wants and is definitely going to get it the way she looks at people with her large brown eyes and demure cat swallowed the canary smile. I was going to start reading Generation Kill but I can barely read these days my mind is so tangled so I bought Lorrie Moore's latest as a treat, if there's anything I'm dying to read it's that. We'll see if I can calm myself enough to focus.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

Owen is heartbreaking. Love the drawing. Love, well, IDENTIFY with him sitting there thinking everything is great and then thinking about dying and it bringing him to tears. Deep soul, that kid. I wonder where he gets it from? xo