Monday, August 25, 2008

ye sunday well spent

I will probably have to cut down my blog writing to once a week as I'm already overwhelmed with work for my classes but, for now, I'm going to procrastinate on the terribly dry reading in my pharmacology book and post pictures of our trip to the renaissance fair yesterday. It was Oona's and my first time and wow, what a lot of creative anachronism going on. The day was beautiful, sunny and warm, probably too warm for all the people in costumes. Definitely too warm for the poor guys dressed in armor jousting, I had sympathy hot flashes justing looking at them, from my perch in the shade, under a wide brimmed straw hat. We all had a great time though. I loved watching how Owen and Oona reacted to the people dressed up in costumes speaking olde english - speaking that way all day might be harder than wearing the armor. The vendors and people who worked there were so nice, especially to the kids. One woman gave Oona a big blue gem and a bottle of fairy dust to make wishes with. Others would give them gold coins and mermaid tears (pale blue glass beads). At one point a guy shouted at us to watch for the pirates behind us, because Oona and Owen had received pirate hats from a lady, but Oona panicked and clung to my leg thinking there was some monster on our path.

We started the day off with some face painting, on the arm. This lady was very friendly. When we asked where she was staying she had a camper that she slept in off the grounds. From what she was saying it sounds like these creative reenactment people can get pretty crazy with the partying once evening comes. What could be worse than being hungover in the blazing sun than to be hungover and wearing a bunch of velour and metal in the blazing sun.

When Toby was talking about the fair before we left, trying to rouse up enthusiasm in Oona she talked about seeing knights and horses and unicorns. Toby said he wasn't sure if they'd have a unicorn but, lo and behold, Oona met Periwinkle the official unicorn of the fair. That picture is followed by a touching father son portrait. Put it in a frame and it will be the perfect Christmas gift for the in-laws;)

You've heard of the headless horseman but you might not heard of the less famous yet still terrifying headless horse that Sir Owen is bravely riding. Think the fair might want to shell out a few bucks and spring for a horse that isn't decapitated. This one of Oona looking like Joan of Arc cracks me up. She'd be a perfect Joan of Arc, aside from not being catholic and I prefer she not be executed.

When Owen looks at this picture he says 'kill the queen! kill the queen!' Thank God that school starts for him on Thursday. The way the two of them have been picking at each other the last couple of weeks I'm ready to throw them both in a dungeon for a day or two. Oh, the whining the screaming, you know it's bad when I suggest we put the Little People: Best Animal Songs in the CD player while driving for a little peace. Believe me, you've got to be desperate to resort to that CD for a break.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

what a fun post.

would you believe i was in the medieval society in college and made renaissance dresses for the festivals and fairs. i even went by the name - lily wolvenbane.

can you believe it? those dresses are in my mom's attic now.

little m is going to start preschool soon. i am a little nervous but, it's only 2 mornings. i think he is going to love it

it sounds like you are really excited about school. i'm happy for you.