Thursday, August 21, 2008

first day of school

Today was Oona's first day of preschool and she was so excited. She wants to do everything her brother does and she was really looking forward to being a big girl and going to her very own school and her first official day didn't disappoint. I have her attending a preschool at CCAC (the community college where I'm taking two classes) and she'll start another LEAP program offered through the public schools in a couple weeks. My son did a similiar program through DART a couple years ago. They have a certain ratio of special needs children and typical children in the class together, along with a teacher, occupational therapist and speech therapist. I loved the DART program, Owen had so much fun there. And Toby and I really wanted Oona to have a similar experience so I was so excited to find out they'd have this LEAP preschool meeting at a location right near Owen's school and starting 15 minutes after Owen's school starts - perfect, and it's free! I just started my first week of classes so I'm still a bit discombobulated, wondering if I'll be able to pull all this off. I've got to make sure Owen and Oona eat well and take their vitamins, if they get sick while I'm supposed to be in class it could all fall apart. But so far so good. Oona had an accident at school today, she told the teacher that she really liked the cute little potties but that she couldn't go without her mommy. Hopefully she'll adjust to peeing without me within a week or two.

I'm really excited about my classes (Anatomy & Physiology 2 and Pharmacology) for a former english major science is like a whole new world, which I love. Could I be more of a dork? The last class I took, Anatomy & Physiology 1, was 3 years ago, when I was pregnant and puking with Oona. Hopefully I won't have any similar challenges with these two classes. If all goes well I'll apply to Duquesne's accelerated nursing program in January and if I get accepted I'll start next August. I still have two more classes to take next term (Microbiology and Statistics anyone?) but I'm really looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life. I'd like to get involved with psychiatric nursing, possibly specializing with children or geriatric patients within psychiatric nursing. I'll need a masters but I've learned that there are psychiatric nurse practitioners who can meet with patients and prescribe medicine much in the way psychiatrists do. It's so cool! Once I learned about that I can't stop thinking about how much I would love that job since I want to help people, understand the stigma attached to mental illness and medication for mental illness, and I love reading about the science connected to mental health and the mind. The only concern I have with that particular field is that I might have to botox between my eyebrows because I constantly furrow my brow and people frequently misinterpret this as a negative (one clerk at Blockbuster told me I looked disgusted when I was merely thinking wow, he's having a real tough time getting his key back on his key ring) when it's really just that hamster in my head, spinning in his wheel. Wish me luck:)

1 comment:

PSUMommy said...

I am insanely jealous that you're in school...we saw all of the CCAC North students walking toward the building yesterday and I felt an extreme pang- I wanted to be walking with them!

Your program sounds incredible! Are you in the Master's program now?