Tuesday, March 04, 2008

the haircut

On Sunday Toby's brother and family came over for dinner. As I was putting the tortilla pie, quite yummy, in the oven, Travis mentioned that my haircut looked nice and when did I get it cut. I thanked him and told him last week ago, then made a quip about how Toby hadn't even noticed. But then I heard his wife commenting on Oona's cute haircut in the living room and thought to myself, he's not talking about my hair but Oona's. I mean obviously, I could grow a tail and I don't think anyone would notice. It came across as funny and sad, one of those moments that Lorrie Moore can write about in such a heartbreakingly beautiful way. No one cares about my hair, and to be honest my hair grows at such a glacial pace I can't really have any dramatic before and after looks unless I go super short. The only people that noticed the cut were my parents (Dad visited a couple weeks ago and Mom's here today thru Sunday) and a lady I'm acquainted with at the gym who has hair I'd kill for, so thick, shiny and a lovely rich shade of brown. It just seemed to sum up my occasional feelings of invisibility as a Mom who, let's face it, isn't getting any younger. It's all so pedestrian but that doesn't lessen the sting of being overlooked. I guess now's the time to crack into Madame Bovary, I'm kidding I read that book years ago and Ian McEwan is next on my list, my new fave.

1 comment:

kristi said...

i've had those same moments of feeling invisible.

that's when you have to just start being annoying like i am and ask everyone around you, "so, do i look different? don't i look great? huh? huh?" otherwise it might be eons before i get a compliment around here... :)