Thursday, April 19, 2007


Poor Owen got his finger caught in the car door yesterday. We stopped at Whole Foods after he was done with school to pick up some groceries and I opened his door for him (switched to childproof lock after he opened the car door on the highway last year) and told him to shut his door and come around to the other side of the car where I was getting Oona out. We've done this many many times before with no incident. But yesterday I see him yanking on the door through the window and yelled over annoyed, to ask him what he was doing. He didn't answer so I ran over and found him bawling, trying to open the door on his trapped finger. Oh dear! Did I ever feel bad for being annoyed and I felt doubly bad for having him do something he was possibly to young for. I opened the door and his index finger was rather deflated from where it had been stuck between door and car but fortunately, thank f*cking God, it wasn't horribly mangled and not so flattened that it looked like his bone was affected. It started to turn red and swell so we ran inside and I got ice from the fish department while I was trying to calm Owen down, I bribed him with a cookie and strawberry milk (an exception to the norm since he's not allowed sweets until he starts being less picky and eating meals more regularly). The bribe worked. The tears were gone and he started bending his fingers saying that it didn't hurt so much. But once we got to the checkout I realized that I had left my wallet at home and Owen, on cue, started crying again. I felt so awful, like a failed parent. We drove home for my wallet. I called his doctor's office to see what I should do about his finger and then Toby to break the news, of course I won't talk on a cell phone while driving so all this took a while. We went back to Whole Foods and Owen got his bribe and Oona and I got cookies too. All was well in the world and by bedtime his finger was back to it's normal size with just a slight red mark where it had gotten pinched. Thank God Owen is a skinny boy. I think his finger is so thin that it saved him from a more painful injury and me from worse parent guilt.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

oh god what a nightmare. i'm glad you got through it. now it's a notch on your mommy war belt. with the wallet fiasco, it just is over the top. glad his finger is better! kiss it for us.