Friday, January 19, 2007

karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

I don't know if I believe in karma but I was very very lucky this morning. I usually bring my ipod to the gym but the past few days I haven't had it. I wasn't real concerned about it, I figured it was lying around the house in one of our many junk piles. But last night I started thinking about when I had last used my ipod when it hit me like a punch in the stomach, I left it in the water holder of the recumbent bike at the gym on Tuesday! Agh, it was too late to call the gym and I didn't sleep real well because I kept thinking about how Toby would react when I told him how I 'lost' the ipod, cringe just thinking about it. I called this morning though and, remarkably, some kind soul turned it in. So now Toby never has to know about what happened - he doesn't read this blog so my secret's safe.

Oona and I went to visit my Grandma and she was happy to see us, how she loves little Oona. She was quite tickled by the new pair of shoes I got her, expensive but I'm the type of miserly Mom who buys her one pair of quality shoes which she has to wear until she grows out of them. Aren't they cute?! I just love the hot pink sole. I put Teletubbies on the TV to entertain Oona and keep her from wrecking Grandma's place and now the Teletubbies have one more fan in my Grandma. She kept remarking about how cute and funny they were. If they entertain her I'm all for Grandma watching the Teletubbies, just might have to put my foot down if she becomes a Caillou fan.


Elise A. Miller said...

thank god you got the ipod back. and why is caillou so controversial? we kind of love him here. does that make me a sappier dorkus malorkus than i already am??? hm??? love the shoes. keep 'em clean for frankie hahaha...

sew nancy said...

the shoes are so cute! maybe you can stop her feet from growing so she can wear them a long time....