Thursday, January 25, 2007

cat's meow

Thanks so much for all the positive feedback on the header. And as for the concerned Oona inquiries, she's doing fine and the staples should come out tomorrow. Currently, she's driving me crazy because she's upstairs babbling in her crib when she should be sleeping and I keep having this recurrent disaster nightmare that she's going to try getting out of her crib and wind up landing on the hardwood floor on her head. I even bought carpet for her floor but I still need to cut the carpet pad to fit her teeny tiny room, move all her furniture out (all 3 items), put the pad and carpet in,vacum and then put the furniture back and how can I do that and watch Oona at the same time? I'll take some pictures once her room is done. Yes it's only taken me close to a year and a half to finish decorating my daughter's room, poor girl.
The cat above is Sam, brother of Frodo, runt of his litter and probably the nicest cat I've ever met. He is such a love bug! He'll just come sit on your lap, lying on his back so you can pet his tummy. I think Sam realizes where most runts end up in Huntingdon, tied in a bag with rocks and thrown in the creek (pronounced crick). He even tolerates the kids picking him up and petting him. In fact last week he just sat there while Owen tried to put a shower cap on his head, don't know why Owen was doing this but Sam didn't seem to mind. I love Frodo too, he's very affectionate but a bit more skittish and a talkative cat which I totally don't like in the wee hours of the morning.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

sam reminds me of giuseppe. love bug indeed. belly petting is the best. xxoo