Sunday, October 19, 2008

another year another pumpkin

We went to our usual pumpkin picking hang out today, although this year it was just us and the kids, no extended family or friends to join in on the fun. Let me tell you the pickings were pretty slim this late in October. I usually go for greenish pumpkins but there were none to be had, just a scant few orange pumpkins lying in the fields waiting to be chosen. It was an incredibly beautiful day though and Owen found a ginormous pumpkin to call his own. At the main entrance was a nursery where Oona got a tiny pie pumpkin and I got a funky looking pumpkin that's pale green and looks like it has leprosy, I'll show you it when I bring out the halloween decor for the living room. Yes, it is a little late, like I should have brought the Halloween stuff out on October 1st but the fall season has passed me by in a blur of anatomy and drugs - my classes it's not like I'm living a Jim Morrison lifestyle but if you read this blog with any regularity I'm sure you're aware of that.

This picture of Owen is so cute except that his head appears to be tilted a little too far to the left. I'm not sure if this is the result of the way I took the photo or if Owen has been flipping through my issue of Voguelooking for ways to pose for the camera. I doubt it though, he'll go for Toby's Game Informer over my fashion magazines. Before we left for the farm I made a mental note to put something in Owen's hair to calm those little cowlick devil horns poking out at the sides as his head, as you can see the mental note was quickly forgotten in a mom related attack of dementia. Don't even get me started on my Grandma, who I stopped by to see this morning. Losing your children and losing your mind would be my two greatest fears in life.

Oona loved the goats in the petting zoo part of the farm. She just sat down next to one particularly calm goat and pet it's back most of the time we were in there. Now there were a couple goats that were very hungry and thirsty and they'd basically mob people trying to get food or drink off of them as soon as they walked through the door. We bought a bottle of milk for the kids to split and one ravenous goat latched onto Owen when he had the bottle and slurped all the milk down in under ten seconds. The goats also really liked Oona's hoodie, two of them kept trying to nibble her hood, maybe they thought she had feed in it.

Here's Toby with the kids. Oona refused to take the lollipop out of her mouth for the picture. We got three pumpkins, the kids went on pony rides, they got to pet farm animals and after thoroughly dousing our hands in hand sanitizer we finished off the day with a paper plate full of funnel cake. Now the kids are quietly tucked in their beds and I'll be going up the street to pick up some Coke and potato chips, I've got the sunday night munchies. Let me know if you think this new banner is better than last week's filler.


kristi said...

i like the new banner! and it looks like you guys had a ton of fun picking pumpkins. we bought one at a farmer's market b/c the pumpkin patches around here mark up their prices so high and i'm just not willing to pay $20 or $30 for a pumpkin...maybe i'm a halloween spoiled sport (ok i definitely am) but seriously--that's highway robbery! :)

sew nancy said...

new banner looks nice.
the squirrels destroyed most of my pumpkins they completely ate through the 2 I was going to carve and ate the pumpkin seeds leaving a huge mess for me!
i think they are used to eating here since there is the garden that they think is theirs! damn squirrels