Monday, September 22, 2008

my sensitive son

Poor Owen. I brought him to school today and Monday is when the gifted students take a bus over to the gifted center for the day. Oona and I brought him to the end of the line and I could see that he was upset. I told him not to worry and that just started the tears. He cried saying that he didn't want to go to gifted. I think it's because, as far as I know, no one from his grade goes there yet. I tried to reassure him, reminding him about the math teacher that he likes so much there and asking if he saw Matthew, the boy that he mentioned was so funny on the bus ride home last time. He just shook his head and kept sniffling. I went up to Ms. S a woman that helps with pretty much everything at that school and she saw that Owen was upset and asked what she could do. I mentioned that last time he went he was nervous and two boys, S and E and a girl, A, helped him out. So Ms. S called out the two boys and asked if they would help Owen out and they nodded dutifully and brought him back to where they were standing. It breaks my heart to see him get so upset but I think it's best if he perseveres through it. Severe isn't a part of that word for nothing but I truly think he'll be better for it in the long run.

A few weeks ago Owen started talking about a blanket that one of Toby's artist friends made for him when he was born. It was a satin blanket with dots all over it, from clay soaked in dye. He used to sleep with it all the time until it tore apart 3 years ago. Now he hasn't said boo about that blanket in three years but he started talking about it in the car and how he really missed his blanket and he just started bawling. I felt awful trying to comfort him while driving, feeling so bad I couldn't give him a hug. I told him that I had saved a few squares and maybe we could piece together a special pillow for him with the fabric if he liked and he nodded, looking out the window sniffling back more tears. I really feel for Owen- he's just like me in being very shy initially and painfully sensitive. My Mom has two sisters and will talk about how she always wanted a big brother to protect her. The thing is, I think Oona will be more of a protector for Owen because she adores him, won't take crap from anyone and becomes very upset if she sees that Owen's upset. He's such a sweet little boy. Every day at the end of school he goes over to his kindergarten teacher from last year and gives her a hug. He's incredibly bright (he now stays up past his bed time lying in his bed reading books, can't really fault him for that) and thoughtful and so loivng. But I worry for Owen. He's not a typical boy. He isn't real physical, he tends to like doing more quiet activities, and being different, and so darn skinny, I'm terrified he's going to get beat up one of these day.


kristi said...

it's so scary that we have these little people we want to protect so much, yet somehow we have to figure out how to usher them into the world as best we can, knowing we can't shelter them.

maybe all those karate lessons you take him to will come in handy someday. ;) or maybe he'll be like my husband, who tells stories of getting picked on but then he berated the bullies with words and they never bothered him again!

sew nancy said...

It's hard not to worry.
I hope he winds up liking the program once he gets used to being the youngest one there.
Maybe there is a way the teachers can make the transition a little easier.

Did Oona's birthday pass? I feel like it might be this week, no?