Friday, July 11, 2008

who am i?

Does anybody know what this thing is? It's come to suck nectar from the phlox in our front yard two days in a row now. We've had a hummingbird come visit before. We planted catmint in the front yard (which is the poor man's lavender, I should have just splurged on lavender instead of catmint, it's not nearly as pretty) and basically every bumblebee in the city, a few butterflies and the occasional hummingbird come to visit. But I have no clue what this thing is, some bizarre type of butterfly? It's got the Very noticeable proboscis and antennae but it's wings move as fast as a hummingbirds and that body seems very full for a butterfly. If anyone can determine what this thing is please let me know. Have a lovely weekend.


kristi said...

oh darn i was hoping by now someone would have known what this is. what a cool bug/flying thing!

Anonymous said...

try a search for hummingbird moth - I think I read about them last year? and it looked really similar.