Tuesday, December 11, 2007

in the bedroom

Okay, now obviously I am not showing these photos of my bedroom while swelling with pride. Truth be told I'm mortified at the state of our bedroom and am posting these pictures in the hope that I can overwhelm readers with the dramatic makeover (yet on a painfully slim budget) that I'd like to accomplish within a month, at least that's the timeline I'm giving myself. We're hoping to move to a new house once Toby's done with school (he has a year and a half to go) so I'd rather not repaint the walls even though the Martha Stewart for Kmart heather is a little too Grimace purple for me (apparently Grimace has been dropped as of 2007, so my Grimace purple bedroom is really dated). Well enough explaining here's the place.

We'll begin the panoramic tour of the master boudoir with Toby's side. Those are his belts on the floor and stacks of drawers. I'm sure you're wondering what a stack of blue drawers are doing on the floor. Well, I finally finished Oona's room last year and had painted that dresser for her room but I never got around to filling her dresser because the inside of the drawers were nasty. So for the last, oh, month and a half or so the drawers have been sitting there because I haven't found time to get around to cutting the fabric to line the drawers. I mean it's much easier to write on my blog and complain about not having time to really finish Oona's dresser than to actually take an hour and do it.

Moving ever so slowly you get to see the north facing wall where our dresser stands mournfully in a corner, most likely embarrassed by the crap and dust that sits on top of it for ages. There's one of our cats, Sam, who loves to sleep on our bed during the day. And on the end of the bed is my Christmas gift and an instrumental part of the bedroom makeover courtesy of Garnet Hill, whose bedding, clothes and home decor I love but I could quickly rack up ten grand worth just browsing through the catalog, or Anthropologie for that matter, so nice yet so freaking expensive!

Moving on we come to the worst part of the room, my side of the bed. All the junk piled in front of the window is old clothing or toys of the kids that I need to go through and donate or try and sell at a local consignment store, which I hate driving to and putting the time into because I'll probably get all of $20, so this procrastination is what causes the pile to sit in that corner for long stretches of time. We also have two friends expecting a babies so I want to see if either of them needs a diaper champ or changing pad before giving the stuff away. And this dresser has all Oona's clothes, so I need to transfer her clothes to the blue dresser (once I finish lining the drawers) and free up some space by getting this dresser out of the bedroom. The monarch butterfly was hanging in a corner of Owen's room until nightmares took over and the butterfly started freaking him out. Oona likes it but her room is the size of a closet so she might have to wait until the next home.

Finally we come to the southern facing wall, where the headboad and footboard that my Mom sent me a year and a half ago remain propped against the wall. To be fair this was supposed to go up in the guest bedroom on the third floor but the boxspring wouldn't fit up the stairs and then I didn't know what to do with them since they really aren't my style, I'd like a wrought iron bed, but I hate to just put it out in the trash on bulk day. So they've sat against the wall, along with a framed picture of Degas dancers that I had back in high school. Stay tuned to see how I declutter, what gets tossed, what stays and what gets a brand new look. I've got some ideas but we'll see how things gel with this room over the next month. I hope we're all pleasantly surprised.


Anonymous said...

sending you "happy declutering" thoughts :-)

sew nancy said...

oooo the suspense
can't wait to see the transformation