Monday, December 10, 2007

brave new world

So, as of yesterday I've entered the last year of my thirties. Hard to believe, really. No huge blowouts for birthday #39. Saturday night we went out to dinner with Toby's brother and his wife to a restaurant with local, organic food that's byob. It was a great tasting meal but they could really invest in some hairnets and a dimmer switch. Husband of couple almost coughed up a hairball from his salad, the strand was Rapunzel like in length. One benefit of the bright lighting was that I noticed the hair resting on top of a portion of my pork tenderloin and quarantined it to the far side of my dinner plate. Toby's brother was outraged when I found a hair, at first he thought I was kidding. I mentioned it to the waiter in the least offensive manner (it's not his fault and hair loss happens to us all). He was profuse with apologies and we all got free dessert. Plus Toby brought a really nice bottle of bordeaux, my favorite type of wine. Sunday was horribly rainy here but we got a tree that the cats are busy de-needling, at least the lower branches. I am thankful though that they're not climbing up the tree like last year. We ordered take out indian food from my favorite indian restaurant in Pittsburgh and the kids and Toby sang Happy Birthday to me; well Toby did, Owen half-heartedly sang between bites of his cookie and Oona made farting sounds from her mouth. And after the kids went to bed Toby and I watched a few episodes of season 3 of The Office, part of my gift from Toby (we missed most of last year's episodes since Toby had class Thursday nights). And I still have four leftover cookies from whole foods, which I got for us in lieu of a cake. All in all a good day.


Kelly said...

Happy belated birthday!

sew nancy said...

Happy Birthday one day late.
Yum- Indian
Anything Indian or Asian has been my favorite this pregnancy!

Elise A. Miller said...

yeah! happy birthday belated, but I called you so I get major points. turning 39 is scary as a mother effer. i not looking forward. however, your initiation sounds cozy and loving so congrats. you inspire me. mucho love-o