Friday, May 25, 2007

new living room

After a long winter spent doing a ton of photo retouching work we finally got our new living room furniture, except for the armchair which has yet to even ship! I would have liked to ceremoniously set fire to the old sofa and chair but Toby has a friend moving into a new home who actually might take the pieces, which seems much more environmentally friendly. Unfortunately the binding on our rug is already coming apart (Pottery Barn says it must be defective and has already sent us a replacement) and there's a stitching problem with the slipcover so we're supposed to receive a new slipcover within a month. In the meantime I have to make sure the kids and cats don't have any accidents on the slipcover that would affect our returning it a month from now. I think the colors of the sofa and rug look nice together that they both go with the wall color, wasn't quite sure if everything would gel together properly. Overall, I'm happy with our purchases, I'd just liek the stuff we'll be keeping. And the one thing I'm bummed about is having to endure the nauseating bouquet of VOCs coming off of the new slipcover. Within an hour my excitement of having a new couch turned to extreme nausea over the fumes that sage velvet slipcover was emitting. I think my two pregnancies have given me a bloodhound's nose because I'm extremely smell sensitive. I can't handle the odors of mainstream cleaners anymore, not even Ivory dish soap. The Ecover marigold and chamomile dish soap is so yummy smelling! It doesn't cut grease quite as efficiently as petroleum based dish soaps but the smell and benefit to the planet make up for it. Happy Memorial Day everybody!

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