Friday, May 18, 2007

uh oh

I tried to buzz Owen's hair last night with absolutely disastrous results. He threw a fit the whole time, guess he picked up something from my prolonged panic attack in the car, and I was trying to make it easier by cutting the remaining hair with scissors instead of the buzzer because I think the noise was freaking him out. But I wound up butchering his hair. It looks like I was trying to put a design in his buzz cut and failed miserably. Hopefully it will fill in within a couple weeks but in the meantime I'm praying none of the kids in his class tease him. I told him if anyone does to tell them to stop it and say it's not his fault his Mom messed up his hair. I was in tears when Toby came down shaking his head after seeing my 'work' this morning. These past few days have really taken a toll on any remote shred of confidence I had in being a good Mom.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

that's too bad
but perhaps you can take comfort in that at least it will grow back
in the meantime maybe a jaunty cap or a baseball hat.