Sunday, December 31, 2006

big plans for 2007

I had resolutions this year that I've already messed up on, big surprise since I don't do well with pressure.
the obvious...
1. exercise - some Pittsburghers might consider me tiny but by Manhattan standards I'm downright chubby. I plan on joining a gym, but today, when I was planning to go try out the gym and the drop off daycare at the gym (my main worry with joining a gym is that the daycare there is good enough so my worrying about Oona is minimal) Oona is sick, so it's another sedentary day for me
2. eat healthier - which I WILL do once I've polished off all the yummy cookies and cheese in the household, don't worry I'm not eating the cheese and cookies at the same time
and the not so obvious...
3. take my vitamins and get fish oil supplements - need to buy fish oil and get past the whole fishstick burps from taking fish oil
4. no going onto or reading those tabloid magazines unless I'm in the check out line - I've done well with this so far (all of two days!) but my addiction has been replaced by Youtube. Below are a few of my favorites

Stephen Colbert interviews Eleanor Holmes-Norton. I have spent way too much time the past couple of days watching clips from The Colbert Report but we don't have cable so that's my excuse.
Stephen Colbert vs Morning Talk Shows
Kevin Spacey on SNL
Jon Stewart on Crossfire
Bush impression

Owen's favorite songs, a list totally unrelated to my new year's resolutions
this song by Of Montreal... very funny, catchy song and your kids will enjoy the video
No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
My Humps - Black Eyed Peas... yes I'm a bad Mommy
Business - Eminem... such a very bad Mommy!
All You Want by Dido (Owen calls this 'pretty girl music')

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

i should add spending too much time on the internet to my resolutions. so far i'm keeping mine to start a blog. yeah! for husbands who cook and clean. m is so helpful too. xx