Friday, March 18, 2011


In other mental health news, I seem to have a sixth sense for neuro changes with my patients. I'm now 3 for 3 on knowing that my patient was suffering from altered mental status(AMS). The most recent patient was three weeks ago. I told my co-assigned I thought the patient was suffering from delirium and she said, try to hear this in the most patronizing tone a nurse in their mid-twenties, with their wealth of experience, could manage, 'That's not delirium. I know what delirium looks like and that's not it.' Well, lo and behold, two days later the patient got a psych consult and guess what? They said the patient was suffering from delirium. I'm not Sherlock fucking Holmes, if a patient doesn't seem altogether there what I usually do is ask a family member if this is the patient's baseline. If they say no then I keep telling those above me (which is everyone when you’re a student) that something is wrong. It's sad because what I do, which is pathetically simple and unskilled, just is not done or it’s not prioritized.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is why i have faith in the future, plum: that there are caring perceptive people like you, who keep on in spite of the patronizing nonsense from above.

i have faith in your future too~