I gave Owen my old digital camera but he wound up taking pictures with my new one last week. I was prepared to be annoyed until I saw the pictures. I love seeing children's photography, I think their perspective is amazing.

I had to buy a swimsuit, ugh, I've gained close to fifteen pounds due to stress eating. It isn't pretty. So many people reply, I can't eat at all and usually lose weight when I'm stressed out. Well lucky you! I'm a former bulimic and head to carbs and chocolate to drown myself and now all the damn clothes that I bought last year on crazy sale are too small. Size 2, honestly what was I thinking?! I should have known that couldn't last. Anyhow... back to the picture, of course the kids were with me while trying on suits, practical sturdy swimmer swimsuits since I'll be managing my two nonswimmers in the community pool. The kids whined for me to buy them goggles and, of course, I did. They really like wearing them, all the time.

This picture of Oona smiling I just love. Maybe it's subtle, something only a parent of her can see, but she is so genuinely happy. Owen is her favorite person in the world. Sure he teases her and drives her crazy at times but that happiness on her face, she lights up when she sees me or her dad as well but Owen is the only one that makes her light up in that very unique way, like he's a superhero in her eyes.

Once again, Oona is killing me. I love her little face poking from the side of the frame.

Our backyard doesn't look too shabby through a screen, blurry, in the rain.

How I wish that white car wasn't in the picture. I might try cropping this and blowing it up. I've got to check out what else he's got on his own camera. I didn't put up the picture he took of me, with crazy morning bedhead which I subdue with a dozen well placed bobby pins.
next up tomorrow, you'll see a bit of my busywork -why I haven't posted so much on the blog lately. in a word stripping. bricks, doors and more...
oh! that top one is especially great! rhys (who is almost 2) LOVES wearing the goggles around the house. it's hilarious b/c when he puts them on he can't see very well since they are too big for him and we watch him bump into things and laugh. cheap entertainment...he'll prob need therapy for that one. ;)
i know this sounds trite, and i also acknowledge that when people say it to me it falls on deaf ears, but i'm sure you look great even if you have gained weight. just sayin'...
can't wait to see all the other things you have done around the house!
p.s. it's not just you--i think oona's facial expressions are precious in these pics too!
oona's facial expressions are so cute in these photos!
it seems everyone i know has put on a few pounds in the past month or so including me. sucks! but life without a little chocolate is so so hard....
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