Thursday, October 04, 2007

a waif among waifs

So Owen and Oona went for their annual check ups and I had to have the doctor fill out forms for Owen's school. I didn't realize until after the fact that they had an area for BMI. There have been news stories here in PIttsburgh about parents getting irate when they get notes from the school nurse informing them that their children are overweight based on their BMI. These parents are usually overweight themselves and less than articulate for the camera. You know, this coverage falls under the 'more news less fluff' tagline of one of the local networks, which means we get plenty of news about any Steelers players with injuries and much prognosticating about whether they'll recover in time for the next game, but not so much about Bush's veto of SCHIP. Anyhoo, I digress. Owen's BMI is 14.3. Just to give a little perspective on this, anything under 18.5 is considered underweight. Guess I don't have to feel too guilty about Owen eating a school lunch that's high in fat. Can you see the conundrum I face trying to get him to be less of a picky eater, not allowing him to have a treat if he doesn't try to eat most of his dinner? I don't want him to go hungry, he's like the 5 year old equivalent of Christian Bale in The Machinist.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

did you see this article? it's kind of relevant to your post, and a good quick reassuring (hopefully) read.

love love