Tuesday, October 16, 2007

things that go boom

That would be my daughter's head, going boom, as she runs straight into the couch. Now, normally, if a child runs into the couch you don't hear the impact, but Oona's unique. Lately, she's taken to running laps in the living room and can gain such speed that she quickly loses control and tailspins into something or other. Yesterday, before we went to pick Owen up from school she slammed into the table near the sofa causing the light to fall over on me. After dinner last night I was washing the dishes, Toby was at school, and the kids were in the living room playing. I can see them from the kitchen and everything seemed fine until I head the boom and Oona's down on the ground crying. I ran over to comfort her and noticed her forehead starting to swell and bruise right away. What sort of momentum did she build to run right into the arm of the couch, bypass the cushioning, and crack her noggin into the kiln-dried hardwood frame? Fortunately, she's tough as nails and as soon as I kissed her head she was off to the next toddler extreme sport, trying to run around the living room with a blanket on her head. I quickly put the kibosh on that and redirected her to the less injurious sport of reading Moondance.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

they go so fast at this age it's just crazy
running all the time
and falling of course