Thursday, October 25, 2007

interpreter of maladies

Jhumpa Lahiri is truly mystifying to me. Who wins a Pulitzer Prize in their early 30s with their publishing debut?! I'm further blown away by how eloquent and mature her writing is and the restraint she displays in her writing, which makes her bittersweet stories resonate all the more. The stories in this collection all concern Indians or Indian-Americans, many stories deal with the particular loneliness of being an immigrant in America. Lahiri writes so subtly, yet movingly, about the disconnect for immigrants whose lives cross countries and vast cultural differences. Her stories are richly detailed with clear narratives and a compassion for her characters that makes this a book I'd highly recommend and after I finish what I'm currently reading I'm going to start her novel, The Namesake. I think I might enjoy that even more because now that I'm a Mom with little time on my hands when I do get the chance to sit down and read something I'd prefer it to be a long novel.


Elise A. Miller said...

you make me want to read it. and I also love your fall banner. go you.

sew nancy said...

She is a wonderful writer. I also enjoyed this book.
Happy Halloween