Friday, July 31, 2009

new adventures in masochism

This fucking table is going to be the death of me. I toyed around with the idea of getting a piece of butcher block to fit this but it would be prohibitively expensive on my budget soo, I figured I'd try to make do with the original table top which was a disaster of mastic and random drilled holes. Removing mastic is the smelliest, nastiest process something that I'm sure, if I was a cat with nine lives I'm now on my ninth. I got all the darned gunk off but the main portion of the table top was not suitable for staining so I figured why not decoupage it with the nice pages from the amy butler scrapbook I'd gotten. Well I needed to buy another ($9.99) to have enough pages but I figured out a pattern I was pleased with and went to town decoupaging it one night. Much to my dismay in the morning I noticed that there were stains coming through the paper and that one of my damn cats had gotten on the table before it was dry so pieces of the paper had come up in paw sized sections. FUCK! I was heartbroken, I did not want to have to go back out and buy two more scrapbook packages to recreate this look. I was totally losing steam, my initial thought had been to try and sell this for a lot of money but who the hell was going to want it, it's too big for my kitchen. Agghh, I was overwhelmed with negative kitchen island thinking. But trooper that I am I'm going to push through. I'm thinking of putting kilz on the top (nothing like huffing kilz which will drop your IQ by 20 points a painting session) and then going with a new pattern I made from the paper I have left. Do you think anyone would pay good money, $300 or so, for this thing?!

mmmm! mastic! absolute nightmare to remove and, lucky me, it's on the stairs I'm working on right now.

looking lovely after many rounds to remove the mastic on the table top. don't even get me started on the inefficiency of my kitchen.

I've done it, at least I thought I had until I looked closer at the table top

back to square one, peeling off all that decoupaged paper was a lot of fun.

round two pattern I'm thinking of using, of course I'll have to do this somewhere the cats can't tiptoe on it.


Elise A. Miller said...

what is mastic anyway? I hope your I.Q. is still intact enough to educate me. also, I love that all this work you're doing gives you something to blog about. I like your blog. let's talk soon dear. love, e

Elise A. Miller said...

and I like what you've done with the table! I bid $301!

sew nancy said...

okay i'm going to read this through but, i think it's time to pick up the knitting. you need relaxation....
don't we all.

BabelBabe said...

what about asphalt tile with a metal edging?

sadly, i like the first paper a lot more. sorry.