Sunday, February 13, 2011

thigh envy

I would kill to have thighs that looked like this! Good lord to be 43 and able to wear a skirt that high? Although there's another couple photos of her straight on and her thighs are so thin I think you could throw a baseball between her legs without hitting them,. Honestly. And with her feet together. She's got the body of a teenager with nary the littlest dimple of cellulite. On top of that this CD is very good. I got hooked with the song, Lonely Love, that has Richard Butler singing backup. I had her first two CDs, well copies of them from an old boyfriend, and I'd sort of forgotten about her until a friend picked this up and I've been listening to it ever since. I'm on a nostalgic music kick. Listening to psychadelic furs, love spit love, well anything with Richard Butler and the Fixx on my shuffle for the gym. Okay, I've got to go back to studying. Had my presentation on Friday, I wish I didn't get nervous speaking in front of people. Test tomorrow, then the hospital and then my midterm next Monday. So please, send prayers, cross fingers and/or toes, good vibes, anything positive my way that I get through this term without failing, or succumbing to heart failure from the stress.


sew nancy said...

I'll cross my fingers for you.

Elise A. Miller said...

sending my crossed butt cheeks to you. they are 41. i heart richard butler and the love spit love song Believe. do you love that one? I am going to check out the song you wrote about. lots o psychedelic love...