Monday, November 10, 2008

bruise dementia

Two posts in one day, can you handle it? In other mundane news I have had this bruise for over a week now ( I just took this totally unflattering picture) and I have absolutely no idea how this bruise got there. I notice this happening more and more as I approach 40 (less than one month away, yikes) that I get bruises on my legs, usually on the thighs and I have no idea how they got there or what I bumped into. So last week I'm changing into my pj's and notice this huge oval and I'm completely baffled, did I inadvertently use the hose attachment on the vacuum on my leg? In other news my vacuum died a spectacular death last week. I'm cleaning when all of a sudden I jumped because it sounded like gunfire but it was only the belt breaking on the vacuum. I would have brought it for repair until I noticed that a piece of plastic and a screw blew right off the vacuum's body (I found it under the sofa a nasty jagged triangle of death) and was thankful that my kids weren't in the living room when I was cleaning, imagine getting impaled by a vacuum remnant. Toby was playing X-box at the time but he also escaped injury. Does anyone know if those Dyson's are worth the obscene amount of money they charge for them?

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

ooh dyson. I covet a dyson. I think target sells a knock-off, not that it's soo much cheaper, but let us know what you decide!