Thursday, November 08, 2007

make it work

Just purchased filters for my brita pitcher ( the pitcher has only been without a filter for a year or so) I'm thinking that might make our nasty tap water taste better and increase my water drinking, if I can keep the glasses out of cats and children's reach. Maybe being hydrated is the answer to all my troubles - new dewy skin, boundless energy, thick shiny hair, it's what those darn magazines claim all the time.

Oona has been very affected by the end of daylight savings, she's waking up at least an hour earlier and is trying to forgo naptime. All this makes for one comatose mom. She's also taking off her pants and diaper during her naptime protests. After finally succumbing to sleep on Monday I entered her room to find her bare bottom sticking up catching the quite chilly breeze in her room. Fortunately she hasn't peed during these taking off the diaper shenanigans. This is her modeling her pink tee after being struck with future fashion designer inspiration. Look out Project Runway season 25! I think the bruise on her head (from running into the sofa too quickly) and drool spots really set off the whole look.


Elise A. Miller said...

I see a "baby heroin chic" trend on the rise! Is that just so offensive of me? Did I really say that? I'm sorry. It was the bruise and the drool that struck me. You are so going to pay for her cuteness...OY VEY. KIDS. Love to the fam...xoxoxoxo

sew nancy said...

What a fashion statement!
i've got 5 or 6 days in a row now with my new method of combatting little me from removing his pajamas to 'play and pee all over himself, his clothes and sheets. I've had numerous methods over the past few months but this seems to be doing the trick. i can't tell you how annoying it's been to change and wash sheets at least once if not twice a day! I think I need to kickstart the potty training for real but, oh I'm really not looking forward to it.
Oh, and the naps they are not so long...usually about an hour and 40 minutes not like the good old days